Ragtime for Dance Ballet Class Music
Ragtime for Dance Ballet Class Music – Choose from a CD or Instant Download.
Made popular by Kenneth MacMillan’s 1974 ballet Elite Syncopations, ragtime has enjoyed a strong relationship with dance, both in the studio and on the stage. Its syncopated rhythms and energetic pulse make it perfect for tendus, glissés, frappés and a variety of jumps, as well as music for other forms of dance, such as tap, modern, contemporary and more.
Here is a collection of rags by a variety of composers, including James Scott, Joseph Lamb, and of course, Scott Joplin. In this collection, you will find fast rags, medium rags, slow rags and even a couple of ragtime waltzes, which are unusual in that they are in 3/4 time, but feature the same syncopated rhythms that are a hallmark of the much more common 2/4 or 4/4 rag. Every piece has been edited into even phrases of 8 so that they will fit into any dance class or choreography project with ease. The piano used is a Steinway D Concert Grand.
Track 1 – DESECRATION Felix Arndt Track 2 – RAG SENTIMENTAL James Scott Track 3 – ELITE SYNCOPATIONS Scott Joplin Track 4 – PIANOFLAGE Roy Bargy Track 5 – THE ENTERTAINER Scott Joplin Track 6 – THE SUFFRAGETTE WALTZ James Scott Track 7 – MAPLE LEAF RAG Scott Joplin Track 8 – THE EASY WINNERS Scott Joplin |
Track 9 – MAGNETIC RAG Scott Joplin Track 10 – PLEASANT MOMENTS Scott Joplin Track 11 – PARAGON RAG Scott Joplin Track 12 – KINKLETS Arthur Marshall Track 13 – FIG LEAF RAG Scott Joplin Track 14 – THE CASCADES Scott Joplin Track 15 – PROSPERITY RAG James Scott Track 16 – TOP LINER RAG Joseph Lamb |
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